Advantages of D3MAX

The benefits of our technology and our competitive advantages are significant and will drive market demand for the D3MAX process. D3MAX is positioned to outperform our competitors for the following reasons:
D3MAX produces higher yields from corn fiber at lower costs.
D3MAX is a true “bolt-on” technology for all dry mill ethanol plants. The D3MAX process can be installed without significant downtime or interruption of ethanol production.
Overall ethanol yield with D3MAX is increased from 2.8 anhydrous gallons per bushel to 3.11 gal/bu.
Dryer energy use is reduced by 20% with D3MAX.
DDGS protein is increased from 30% to over 38% with D3MAX.
The high protein DDGS produced by the D3MAX process is more suitable than traditional DDGS for use with monogastric animals such as swine and poultry.
Our yeast ferments the glucose, xylose, and arabinose in the corn fiber increasing the yield of cellulosic ethanol.
Our yeast has GRAS status (Generally Recognized As Safe) and is safe for use in animal feed.
The D3MAX process produces cellulosic ethanol and increases an ethanol plant’s output by approximately 10% with no increase in corn grind.
The D3MAX produces cellulosic ethanol from corn fiber and residual starch generating D3 RINs, the highest value RINs under the RFS.
The projected payback to an ethanol plant that installs the D3MAX process is less than one year.
Corn oil available for recovery is increased from 1.0 lb/bu to 1.5 lb/bu.
D3MAX processes the corn fiber in wet cake which has been “cooked” or “pre-pretreated” in the ethanol plant, allowing for much milder pretreatment and lower enzyme dosage resulting in lower capital and operating costs than our competitors.
D3MAX processes the wet cake allowing for much higher solids loading resulting in lower capital and operating costs than our competitors.
The distillers grain dryer in an ethanol plant is de-bottlenecked allowing the ethanol plant to increase its grind by up to 28% (mole sieves and other plant subsystems may have to be modified).
By increasing the corn grind by 28% and using D3MAX to convert wet cake fiber to cellulosic ethanol, overall ethanol production can be increase by 40%